K J Islam (27)

Er. K. J. Islam is passonate Blogger and writes on Different Health Topics.ย 

K J Islam

Alpilean Weight Loss Supplement Reviews

๐ŸŒŸWhat is Alpilean?๐ŸŒŸ Alpilean is a new and revolutionary weight loss supplement. It contains a blend of alpine-sourced nutrients and plant-based superfood extracts. It is designed to help your body adjust to a lower internal body temperature, leading to faster fat burning. Hello everyone, my name is K. J. Islam and today I shall be guiding you, on how to lose weight easily. In this article I shall discuss I) What is obesity and how to check whether you are obese or not II) What are the root causes of obesity III) Why you should get rid of obesity IV) How Alpilean can help you to fight obesity V) How Alpilean works VI) Ingredients of Alpilean and their function VII) Scientific Evidences of reducing fat by Alpilean VIII) Testimonials of weight loss using Alpilean IX) Availability and Buying Guide for Alpilean X) Frequently Asked Question on Alpilean. Obesity is a disorder when your body has excessive fat that increases the risk of health problems. You can call it a disease. WHO or World Health Organization sometimes referred it as a epidemic. Obesity is generally results when you are taking more calories but burning less. If a person's BMI or Body Mass Index is 25 or greater. The excessive body fat increases the risk of serious health problems. How to calculate BMI? Here is a simple solution. Find your weight in lbs. Next, find your height in inches. First multiply your weight in pounds by 703. Now divide the result by height in inches( there are 12 inches in a foot) . Again divide the result by height. Lets us assume that, your weight is 200 pounds and your height is 5 foot 8 inch. So your height in inches will be 68. Step 1: First multiple your weight in pound by 703. ie 200x703 = 140600. Step 2: Divide the result by height (in inches). ie 140600/ 68 =2067.64 Step 3: Divide again the obtained result by height. ie 2067.64/68 =30.40 So your BMI is 30.40. How to know whether you are obese or not from BMI? Here I am providing you a simple table from which you can easily identify whether you are obese or not after finding your BMI. Let me share a story. After reading the story you will know exactly how obesity is affecting your social and family life. Back in 2004 I was teaching as professor(lecturer) in an engineering college. When the last bell used to rang every faculty member and students used came out of the class. Faculty member used to reserve a seat in faculty bus using handkerchief or bag anything. The facility was provided by the college for professor living in city or distant places. One day myself and few of my fellow colleagues could not reserve a set, so we have no chance but to avail the rear seats in the bus and tolerate all the jerking throughout our journey. Another lady ( Our Colleague) came shouting that she could not…